Tricia Katebini
I’m racing for BSNCF in honor of my dad.
May 5, 1949.
That’s the date my best friend was born.
July 17, 1984.
That’s the date I was privileged and lucky enough to meet my best friend for the first time.
February 11, 2005.
…the last day my best friend took a breath in this earthly world.
You see, little girls grow up loving their daddies with everything they have. They look to them to show them what a good man should be. My father was no exception to this. Amidst everything he went through his life, and everything he and I went through together in the 20 short years that I knew him, he showed me what a kind, compassionate, loving father and human being should be.
Before my father was diagnosed with lymphoma, he had a plethora of other health issues. He lived every day in pain. But that did not stop him from putting smiles on other people’s faces. He helped others when they needed it even if helping meant that he would suffer the physical consequences.
I learned much of what I know today from my best friend. And I know today that he would be proud of the person that I have become. I do many things in his honor. I race for him and for his memory. If racing for others and in their honor can help to forge a smile and one day a cure, I will continue to do so for as long as I can.
–Tricia Katebini, Co-Leader of Team BSNCF, Maryland