Jennifer (Netting) Marden

Why do I run and support the BSNCF?  It’s really a simple answer.

I love the challenge of running any races, whether it be a 5K, 10K, 10 miler, or half marathon.  I also love supporting the BSNCF.

I grew up in Street, Maryland with Jenny Searing.   Jenny and I were in school together for eight years and were great friends, even when we attended different colleges.  Jenny and I would ride horses, play on the same softball team, and even served in student government together.  Her laugh and smile would light up the room.  It was a shock to all of us that she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at such a young age.  We thought she would beat this horrible cancer, but God had other plans.  Now, I remember my friend Jenny and honor cancer survivors (my mom is also a breast cancer survivor) through supporting this wonderful organization.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that many times when I run I see a butterfly.  Butterflies were Jenny’s favorite thing.  The sight of a butterfly is a gift from Jenny.  This gift keeps Jenny’s memory alive and motivates me to give back.

I now teach high school and have encouraged my FBLA/Interact Club to support the BSNCF by raising money and creating “Smile Kits.”   Please join me in supporting the Barnett-Searing National Cancer Foundation through Team BSNCF and your generous donations.

– Jennifer (Netting) Marden

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