Cancer comes in many colors, and every journey is uniquely different. These strong women chose to thrive from treatment to transitioning from patient to survivorship. Here are their inspirational stories.
Cancer comes in many colors, and every journey is uniquely different. These strong women chose to thrive from treatment to transitioning from patient to survivorship. Here are their inspirational stories.
I got my cancer diagnosis a day before my son’s high school graduation on May 28, 2021.
Continue reading “Blanca Martinez”My name is Latashia Webb, and I am 39 years old. I would like to share my journey with thyroid cancer.
Continue reading “Latashia Webb”I just celebrated 21 years as a breast cancer survivor!
Continue reading “Trista Parks”Molly Oldham is BSNCF’s “2021 Thriver of the Year!” Read her incredible story of purpose and how she is using her diagnosis to make a difference. Continue reading “Molly Oldham”
My diagnosis changed everything. Cancer doesn’t discriminate against age, race, or culture.
Let me share with you what helped me cope and deal with the repercussion’s cancer has on your entire world. Continue reading “Rifka Coleman”
In June of 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, I was diagnosed with stage 1A uterine cancer.
Continue reading “Valerie Tolliver”I vowed to share my story someday and let other women know it’s okay to be concerned about your appearance during and after treatment.
I honestly thought my life was over when I was told that I not only had cancer, but that I had to have my leg amputated. Continue reading “Jacky Hunt-Broersma”
This foundation has shown me nothing but love and is a great place to go to when thriving is on your mind.
Athena Scalise Waitt believes that thriving with cancer is a choice.
Continue reading “Athena Scalise Waitt”In the midst of all this semi-controlled chaos of a cancer diagnosis, I realized one thing: I can and will do this on my own terms. Continue reading “Lynn Reiten”
I am barely getting around to telling my story, but I am.
Continue reading “Michelle Helton”If I could go back in time and be a 10-year-old with a clean bill of health, I wouldn’t. This is my fight.
Because of my mother’s battle with cancer, I shout from the roof tops to encourage others and help them to live healthier lives.
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